BGF Mission:
Introduce people to Jesus, love each other as family and grow together in Christ.
BGF Vision:
To be a thriving church that imitates Christ, impacts community for eternity and is the unified body of Christ. To Thrive/To Impact/To Unify
2021 fall internship job description
BGF Mission:
Introduce people to Jesus, love each other as family and grow together in Christ.
BGF Vision:
To be a thriving church that imitates Christ, impacts community for eternity and is the unified body of Christ. To Thrive/To Impact/To Unify
Student Ministry (Grades 6-12)
Reporting: Isaac Martin, Student Ministry Director/ Pastoral Intern
Status: Level 1 Internship, 3+ Hours a week.
Personal Traits: Candidates for this internship should have…
Possible Student Ministry Opportunities:
Our Student Ministry footprint is a Sunday morning Bible study (Magnify) during our second worship service (10:35) and a Wednesday night youth program (Pathfinders) from 7 to 8:30. We have about a dozen students for Sunday School and run between 30-50 students on Wednesday. This fall, we have opportunities in both programs and will be dividing the program into middle school and high school age groups. Opportunities include developing a student worship team for Wednesday as well as teaching and small group opportunities for both Sunday morning and Wednesday night. We will provide you with meaningful ministry opportunities and all of this is customizable to your gifting and level of experience. Isaac and our Student Ministry Team will walk with you every step of the way providing valuable feedback and mentoring. Want to do more? Additional ministry opportunities will become available as the year develops.
We know that being a college student can be challenging and you probably miss your home church. Well, we can be your church family while you are at LBC! Along with the valuable experience you will gain in ministry, you can also take advantage of these opportunities:
For questions regarding a Student Ministry internship text or email Isaac Martin at 717-475-6465 or
Internship Levels
Level 1: Freshman-Seniors perusing a degree in one of the above or equivalent ministry disciplines seeking Church involvement, community, and a place to serve during their education. This could lead into Phase 2 and 3 opportunities. (Unpaid)
Level 2: Freshman-Seniors pursuing a degree in one of the above or equivalent ministry disciplines looking for a place to complete course and program required internships. Students can start with Phase 1 or apply for Phase 2 if space is available. In this opportunity Bethany would meet required documentation and requirements for an individuals required ministry internship needs. (Unpaid)
Level 3: Sophomores-Seniors pursuing a degree in one of the above or equivalent ministry disciplines who have completed a phase 1 or 2 internship here at Bethany, looking for a summer ministry internship. This opportunity would be a continuation of the previous service of the student, with added opportunities for growth and leadership. (Expense stipend)