Discipleship Pastor

Bethany Grace Fellowship
East Earl, Pennsylvania, United States

Categories: Church/Ministry

Job Type: Full-Time, Salaried

Employee Workplace: BGF Offices

Job Description:

Discipleship Pastor Job Description

The Discipleship Pastor will assist the Lead Pastor in developing, managing, and overseeing key Discipleship and Outreach initiatives of BGF in alignment with Bethany Grace Fellowship’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

Bethany Grace Fellowship Mission:

Introduce people to Jesus, Love each other as family, and Grow together in Christ.

Bethany Grace Fellowship Vision:

To Thrive - To Impact - To Unify

To be a Thriving church that imitates Christ, 

Impacts community for eternity, and is the Unified body of Christ.

BGF Values:

  • Gospel Centered - The good news of God’s grace is the message that everyone needs to hear. For believers, it is central and shaping for life and discipleship.

  • Scripture Saturated - The whole Bible is necessary, authoritative and sufficient for us the glorify, know, love and serve God.

  • Grace Oriented - We seek to represent the loving heart of our Father in the way we engage the world and disciple believers. Spiritual growth is a matter of the heart. We reject legalism and believe that God’s forgiveness does not give us license to sin.

  • Mission Focused - Everything that happens at Bethany Grace Fellowship should contribute in some way to fulfilling our stated mission.

  • Community Embedded - God desires intimate relationship with us and his designed us to fellowship with Him and each other in the context of the local church community.

  • Prayer Dependent - Every idea, effort, and decision is dependent upon God, as expressed in humble, reliant prayer.

Primary Traits and Competencies

Personal Traits

  • Demonstrate a clear testimony of faith and a passionate devotion to Christ and His church

  • Model and exemplify the Biblical leadership and character qualities of an elder/overseer found in 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-5

  • Live out and teach a lifestyle of adherence to biblical standards of morality, ethics, and the fruit of the Spirit.

  • Model personal balance by maintaining a strong devotional life of worship, prayer, and personal study of God’s Word resulting in a deepening spirituality and relationship with Christ, as well as maintaining proper priorities at home with his wife and children

  • Be a lifelong learner willing to participate in on-going ministry education and training

  • Possess strong interpersonal skills, being able to relate to all age groups, keep confidences, and able to share his ministry with other Pastors and/or Elders as part of a ministry team. 

  • Able to communicate clearly, concisely, and lovingly in a Biblical manner

  • Possess a passion and heart to bring people to spiritual maturity in Christ through effective teaching, robust community, and Spiritual formation


  • Shepherding God’s flock with a spirit of humility, compassion, wisdom, honesty, integrity, and unity as a servant-leader

  • Experience and/or training in discipling believers at various stages of Christian development in large, midsize, and small group contexts.

  • Experience and/or training in coaching and mentoring emerging lay leaders in individual or small group contexts.

  • The ability to develop strategies and structures to equip the church for both personal and corporate outreach to our local community

  • Proven skills in recruiting, training and leading teams

  • The ability to organize, administrate and lead multiple areas of ministry and coordinate volunteers


  • Participate in staff meetings and, as able, the public gatherings of the church

  • Assist in pulpit ministry, sermon series development, and strategic planning as a member of the pastoral team

  • Provide leadership, oversight, and support for BGF discipleship programs, including Life Groups, Adult Bible Fellowships, Men’s Ministry, and Women’s Ministry

  • Develop and provide oversight for outreach and evangelistic initiatives

  • In partnership with the elders, develop and provide oversight for an intentional leadership training program

  • Assist with new convert/partner assimilation

  • Other duties as assigned by the Lead Pastor

Spiritual Gifts

  • Shepherding

  • Leadership

  • Teaching

  • Evangelism

Preferred Qualifications

  • Bachelor’s degree or other formal education in Ministry related area
  • Experience in Ministry leadership
  • Ordination by a qualified body (if applicable)

To Be Considered for Discipleship Pastor at Bethany Grace Fellowship please submit the following:

  • Resume not to exceed 2 pages
  • List of 4 References (at least one who has been in a supervisory capacity) including current  phone number, and email address
  • Letters of recommendation that you may have on file
  • Personal Testimony not to exceed 2 pages
  • Personal Testimony of Spouse not to exceed 2 pages
  • Brief letter of introduction stating why you believe Bethany might be a fit for your ministry and how you see your gifting working to propel our mission and vision forward
  • A personal statement of doctrine not to exceed 1 page
  • 3 Recorded examples of preaching (if available)

Should you have questions, you can direct them to Steven Leever at sleever@bethanygf.org.

To apply, submit all of the above in PDF format to Steven Leever at sleever@bethanygf.org by May 22, 2022.

Bethany Grace Fellowship

East Earl, Pennsylvania - United States

Phone: 6104510936

Email: sleever@bethanygf.org

Website: https://www.bethanygf.org/home

In 1957, six families joined together to form a body of believers that sought to distance themselves from the rules of men with the vision of a church that would teach the true Word of God. They called themselves the Blue Ball Mennonite Church. Adopting the name Bethany Mennonite Church in 1959, they continued in their growth and understanding of what God was calling them to as part of the body of Christ. In 1961, they moved to their present location in East Earl, Pennsylvania and embarked on several building projects, dedicating their current 375 seat sanctuary and fellowship hall in 2006.

Having initially distanced themselves from traditional legalism in 1959, by 2001 the congregation was further concerned about the direction of the national Mennonite Church USA. As they grew, they felt it necessary to step still further away from both the traditional perception of legalism and, the more recent liberal interpretations of scripture by the Mennonite Church USA. For this reason, Bethany opted for a name change to further distance themselves from positions with which they disagreed and became Bethany Grace Fellowship.

Today, the congregation at Bethany enjoys preaching that is biblically based, relevant to our time, centered on a firm understanding of grace, man’s need for redemption, and the need to develop a personal relationship with Jesus. We are blessed with talented and dedicated musicians who lead us in contemporary praise and worship. Bethany has an active Care ministry that supports people in need, both in our body and in our community. Bethany desires to continue developing a thriving children’s ministry, women’s ministry, and men’s ministry to strengthen each individual and family. Over the years, Bethany has benefitted from active volunteerism, and has a high percentage of families who have adopted children. The congregation of Bethany is made of up over 300 men, women and children. Bethany has been blessed financially and operates on an annual budget of approximately $700,000.

Mission and Vision:

In March, 2019, the congregation at Bethany engaged in a visioning process to deliberately study, pray and listen to where God was leading. In May the congregation affirmed a vision and revised mission for Bethany. Bethany's goal has remained true from the beginning: to preach and teach the whole Word of God, free from man-made rules, a church that seeks to impact community for eternity. Bethany wants to thrive as a body, not just exist. Bethany believes that the church is called to be unified, and that we function best for the cause of Christ when we are. Bethany recognizes that the family is under attack in society and so many people do not have a positive model of a Godly family. Bethany wants to embrace others as family and to grow together into a deep relationship with Christ.



1. We believe the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative, written Word of God.

2. We believe there is one God, sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

3. We believe that Jesus Christ was God in human flesh, at once fully divine and fully human. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death on the cross, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His present ministry of intercession, and His personal return in power and glory.

4. We believe that human beings were created in the image of God but rebelled against God and are therefore fallen, lost, estranged from their Creator, and in need of salvation.

5. We believe that only those who, by grace through faith, receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord are converted, born again of the Holy Spirit, and thus become children of God.

6. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who convicts persons of sin, brings them to repentance, enables the Christian to pursue a life characterized by personal holiness and faithful discipleship in obedience to Jesus Christ, and gives "spiritual gifts" to the Church which enrich worship, provide for spiritual oversight, and enhance effectiveness in witness.

7. We believe that the Church, the "Body of Christ," is composed of all those of every nation who through saving faith have entered into a vital relationship with Jesus Christ. We further believe that the Church is at the very center of God's cosmic purpose, and that He has committed to the Church and every member of it the task of making Christ known throughout the world.

8. We believe that local congregations of baptized believers exist to equip the Body of Christ through such means as worship, teaching, fellowship and prayer to spread the Gospel of Christ; to extend the influence of the Kingdom of God in the world; and to turn themselves outward to their local communities in evangelistic witness and compassionate service. We further believe that the quality of "body life" among believers in caring congregations is essential for effective evangelism and outreach.

9. We believe that the reality of sin in the human heart results in suffering, injustice, strife, and moral decay in society.

10. We believe that, in Jesus Christ, the way of love and reconciliation is revealed as God's way for His people and that the people of God are called to value the sanctity of human life, alleviate suffering, reject retaliation and personal vengeance, work for peace in all relationships, and to live as responsible stewards of all of God's creation.

11. We believe that God instituted marriage and the family at the beginning of human history. Right sexual union takes place only within the marriage relationship, which is a covenant between one man and one woman for life, and the family formed from such a union is the God-ordained context for the birth and nurture of children.

12. We believe in the resurrection of all people, those who are saved unto the resurrection of everlasting blessedness with the Lord, and those who are lost to eternal separation from God.

13. We believe that, in the fullness of time, God will bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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