Conditions allowing we will have only one service February 9th at 10:35AM.  

Children's Ministry will be offered.

There will be no ABFs, 91:2, 7:8 or 5/6 Club. 
The 10:35 service will be livestreamed. 
Please use your best judgement in travel.

Winter Sermon Series

The Gospel Changes Everything

based on Romans 1-8

The Gospel Changes our Purpose and Identity - January 5

The Gospel Changes Our View of Sin - January 12

The Gospel Changes Our Self Righteous Judgements - January 19

The Gospel Changes Our External Tendencies - January 26

The Gospel Changes Our Standing Before God - February 2

The Gospel Change Our Source of Righteousness (Stated) - February 9

The Gospel Changes Our Source of Righteousness (Illustrated) - February 16

The Gospel Changes Our Peace and Hope - February 23

The Gospel Changes Our Eternal Destiny - March 2

The Gospel Changes our Daily Freedom - March 9

The Gospel Changes Our Master and Mission - March 16

The Gospel Changes Our Relationship to the Law - March 23

The Gospel Changes Our Struggle with Sin - March 30

The Gospel Changes Our Identity - April 6

The Gospel Changes Our Future Hope and View of Suffering - April 13

Easter Sunday! - April 20

The Gospel Changes Our Confidence In God - April 7


You've been asking for it...  Here's a YouTube List of current worship songs we sing at Bethany!  

CLICK HERE  and sign along during your work week!

Livestream - Sundays @ 9AM

Connect @ Bethany!

We want to make sure you have the information you need to connect and get involved at Bethany!  Can't find what you're looking for? Click on the links below or feel free to email or call the church office!  

  • CLICK HERE  to submit your prayer request for the Prayer Team.  If your prayer request is confidential, for church staff and elders, please indicate that in the form. 

  • Log-in to our online Church Directory and ministry tool we use to keep you informed. You can view upcoming events, get involved in a small group as well as view and manage your serving opportunities.